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US Government’s CPSC set to announce massive crib recall

The US Government’s Consumer Product Safety Commission plans to announce on Tuesday an expansive recall on cribs with dropdown sides.

Both CBS News and ABC News in the U.S. have learned that the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), an independent federal agency, will announce a recall on cribs with dropdown sides in what could be the largest crib recall in U.S. history.

A report issued by Consumer Correspondent Susan Koeppen on CBS’s “Early Show” indicated that there has been a strong push to ban cribs with dropdown sides. The report highlighted 10-month-old Tyler Jonathon who died from strangulation when his head became stuck between the side rail and headboard while sleeping.

“That’s every parent’s safe-haven for their child, and to see the horrific site of him strangled … was just horrifying to me,” said Michele Witte, Tyler’s mother, to Koeppen.

While it’s currently not known exactly which cribs will be recalled Tuesday, expectations are that the recall will be broad-ranging. There have been recalls in the past of such cribs due to the danger of “infant entrapment and suffocation.”

In 2008, crib maker Delta Enterprises voluntarily recalled over 1.5 million cribs with dropdown sides after it was found that safety pegs had the potential to become faulty. The cribs were attributed to the death of two infants.

Inez Tenenbaum, head of the CPSC, said that the CPSC has been “relying on voluntary standards” for crib safety but believes it’s “no longer enough.”

“We will now be writing … federal regulations that are mandatory for cribs,” said Tenenbaum.

For more information about the recall, visit the CPSC Web site on Tuesday.

Product Liability: Mattel Pays $2.3 Million Penalty for Toys Containing Lead Paint

In an agreement with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), Mattel and its subsidiary Fisher-Price will pay $2.3 million in civil penalties for toys made in China containing high levels of lead paint. Lead paint has been shown to cause injury when ingested and is banned in the United States. This defective products penalty is the highest of its kind imposed by the CPSC.

The Mattel civil penalty sheds more light over recent concerns by Congress that some Chinese-made products don’t meet United States standards for consumer safety. Defective products originating in China from pet food to baby formula were pulled from U.S. shelves and came under FDA scrutiny when they were shown to contain ingredients that may be harmful to animals and people. The Mattel penalty involves importing and distributing non-compliant toys containing lead paint, including Sarge cars and Barbie accessories.

Experienced Florida product liability lawyers know how to interpret federal and state laws designed to protect consumers from faulty or defective products.

Other Defective Chinese Products: Faulty Drywall in Florida Construction
Earlier this year, we wrote about how some faulty construction materials made in China may be affecting people’s health and the air quality in their homes. (See South Florida Construction Product Liability: Faulty Chinese Drywall to Be Tested.)

Senators are seeking funding to continue studying this problem in Florida construction liabilityand in home building around the country.

Mattel to Pay $2.3 Million Penalty for Toy Hazard
Bloomberg.com June 5, 2009

Senators Seek Funds for Chinese Drywall Study
Environmental Protection June 5, 2009