471 U.S. 539
105 S.Ct. 2218
85 L.Ed.2d 588
HARPER & ROW, PUBLISHERS, INC. and the Reader's Digest Association, Inc., Petitioners v. NATION ENTERPRISES and the Nation Associates, Inc.
No. 83-1632.
Argued Nov. 6, 1984.
Decided May 20, 1985.

239 F.3d 1004 (9th Cir. 2001)
Napster Was Here And Then Gone But Its Lessons Remain
Napster was the name given to 3 music-focused online services and pioneered peer-to-peer file sharing. Emphasizing the sharing of audio (digital) files, the format used the MP3 format. When the company ran into legal problems centering on copyright infringement, operations stopped and Napster was acquired by read more
Complaints About Lawyers & Judges – How To File A Complaint Against A Lawyer in NY
If you believe a lawyer may have violated the Rules of Professional Conduct, you can write a letter to the appropriate Committee or fill out and submit a form available from their websites. The form or letter should be as clear, specific and detailed as possible when explaining your complaint. The materials in your complaint should include the names, phone numbers and addresses of you and your attorney as well as copies of any pertinent documents, papers, and other information connected to th
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Connecticut Gun Control Case Litigation Watched Closely In New York
Benjamin Wheeler was six when he died in the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. His parents, David and Francine, are now plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Remington, the maker of the gun used in the mass shooting. Since the shooting, David had spoken in front of state legislators, petitioned Congress and sat with his wife while she shared the microphone with then-President Obama. She pleaded for revisions to t
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Breastfeeding Mom’s Lawsuit Against Delta Settles
Changing Attitudes About Moms Who Breastfeed In Public
Emily Gillette was kicked off a Delta Connections flight in 2006 because she wouldn’t cover-up with a blanket while nursing her one-year-old daughter. Gillette had been setting in the window seat wither her husband next to her in the aisle seat. A flight attendant gave her a blanket, which Gillette declined. Nursing Mom wa read more
New Yorkers Say Goodbye to Floating Park
It seems that some New Yorkers hate things that float. An innovative and ambitious plan to erect a floating park on the Hudson River just off 13th Street West turned out to be a big letdown. The floating park known as Pier 55 was supposed to be an undulating platform that would have stood on the pilings in the Hudson River. The developers had planned for a lush landscape dotted with stages for dance, music, and theater. It was nicknamed read more

Chicago to file federal lawsuit over sanctuary cities threat
Chicago will keep fighting President Donald Trump’s immigration policies with a federal lawsuit alleging it’s illegal for the federal government to withhold public safety grants from so-called sanctuary cities, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced Sunday. The mayor said Chicago won’t “be blackmailed into changing our values, and we are and will remain a welcoming City.” The lawsuit will be filed Monday. Officials said there are new qualifications for a public safety grant requiring ci
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Celebrate Love Litigating Lawyers Day With Things You’ll Never Hear a Lawyer Say
Happy "Love Litigating Lawyers Day." Yes. No matter how unpopular lawyers are, everyone wants to have ‘their' day. The origin of LLLD is unknown, but LLLD was created to honor the contributions of lawyers in America. The best way to celebrate the day is to realize the importance of attorneys in their role of upholding society. To celebrate, it may be a good time to reflect on things you'll never hear a litig
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$417 Million Awarded in Lawsuit Against Johnson & Johnson
Johnson’s Baby Powder is a product that is found in almost every house. It’s a baby product, popular and has a lovely scent. What could possibly be the damage? You’ll be surprised. In a recent lawsuit, Johnson & Johnson was ordered to pay $417 million in damages, to a woman who claimed she developed ovarian cancer after using the company’s well know
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Lawsuit Claims Landlord Increased Rent For Repairs Never Done
Rents have been consistently increasing in most parts of the country. In some cases, landlords increase the rent and tell their tenants that they are in the process of upgrading or renovating the place. However, in a large number of cases, landlords just keep the money and never upgrade the building. This is exactly what has happened to Randy Garcia in Washington Heights, Manhattan. Randy was paying $1,800 rent, an exorbitant sum considering the fact that she has a low-paying job. After obtai
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